great discussion tonightas i always said the thing that will bite you in the arse in the end.. you haven't even contemplated yet . This is the nature of the beast. This is not many of you keep using as an example. Nova had half the debt per share at 33% less interest expense . They had a 104% nameplate plant production average not 50% like OPC and they averaged 96% runtime over 20 years. You can't even do this calculation for OPC because they're still in offical startup mode.
Resin commodity pricing drop combined with a paralysed corporate financing enviroment brought them down. There will be no white knight coming here. Nexen will end up taking over after bankruptcy and paying off the senior debt holders. At this stage how can you OPC Lovers see it any other way? Come on guys's time to come back to earth here.
Maybe a 5 year chart will help.. or is this a topo map of Alberta looking north near Pincher Creek.