For posterity...:)
Canuck......."I really couldn't care,
but ...."
What comes after your BUT speaks volumes - psychology 101.
One thing about Bullboards is you can fact check.
" To Hell With It " morphs into " Thank God "...just based on a blurb by Dines?
Like most posters i have a problem with posters who continually post negative comments.
You know their names and
ONLY flip when the stock goes up?
Why didn't you ever post something along these " lines " before 1/21?
....I had 450, 000 shares after the crash....
.....Mr. Pres. You always took the time to answer my calls ....
...your company made me about a hundred twenty thousand in
trading over the last 2 years....
....And thank you (JPS) for your honesty and integrity, seems far and few between in this industry......
...Cheers all & thanks for the well wish JPS.....
Canuck... your recent revisionist views on GNG are breathtaking. Can similar thank you's from mexicoejoe and cadaval be far behind?
Good luck in the future and as you have posted many times...
" Cadaval....check your inbox "!!
YOU'VE GOT MAIL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
1/19/2011 2:29:20 PM | | 162 reads | Post #29139598
I have held this for 7 years. Traded in and out of it several times.
Just put 100000 of my remaining
shares (22000 left) up for
Hope I get out.