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Trisura Group Ltd V.TSU

Primary Symbol: T.TSU Alternate Symbol(s):  TRRSF

Trisura Group Ltd. is a specialty insurance provider. The Company is engaged in operating in surety, risk solutions, corporate insurance, and fronting business lines of the market. It has investments in subsidiaries through which it conducts insurance and reinsurance operations. Those operations are primarily in Canada (Trisura Canada) and the United States (Trisura US). Its segments include the operations of Trisura Canada, comprising surety business underwritten in both Canada and the United States, and risk solutions, fronting and corporate insurance products primarily underwritten in Canada and Trisura US, which provides specialty fronting insurance solutions underwritten in the United States. The main products offered by its surety business line are contract surety bonds, commercial surety bonds, developer surety bonds, and new home warranty insurance. Its contract surety bonds, such as performance and labor and material payment bonds, are primarily for the construction industry.

TSX:TSU - Post by User

Bullboard Posts
Comment by mullatschakon Feb 10, 2011 9:22am
Post# 18108055

RE: RE: Dafora drilling company

RE: RE: Dafora drilling companyDecision about drilling until C16interval would not be easy, because of the Watershed. But C16 would offer additional tremendous upside potential, of commercial.
Bullboard Posts