1-866 CONFERENCE CALL TODAYthis was forwarded to me:
Dear all:
We kindly invite you to participate in a conference call today, Thursday February 10 at 3:00 pm (East time).
You are invited to dial in to the conference call using the following dial-in numbers:
Conference date:Feb 10, 2011
Conference time:03:00 PM
Duration (minutes):30
Participant dial-in number(s):514-392-3303 / 866-392-3247 / 800-3923-2750
Participant pass code:3328641
Please dial in to the conference call 5 minutes before the call is scheduled to start.
For further information, please do not hesitate to contact me.
If possible please confirm that you will be attending, thanks so much.
Sonia Carrasco, Douglas MurrayCreso Exploration Inc.600, boul. de Maisonneuve O. suite 2750Montréal (Québec)H3A 3J2': 514 866 6001 ext. 239Fax: 514 866 61938 scarrasco@creso.ca
dmurray@creso.ca, 613-220-0569