RE: AFA... ready to soar like an eagleMr. Millionvestor,
Where have you been ??? I was reading your last year's post. It was quite interesting and I see 586 people read your post. What is your opinion about today's share price ??? I know it is moving in upward direction but gradually like as usual !!! Please shed some of your thoughts about AFA's shares price how high it would go up.
I am asking your opinion because you have some expertise and good qualification to do tech. analysis
millionvester 3
8/1/20101:25:56 PM | | 586 reads | Post #28457755
Myqualifications: MBA, CSC
AFA is a very strong buy right now. Currently it sits at .085, up 20%from .07 just a week ago. I bought considerable shares at .07, havingtimed my purchase with the development of the company, cycles, trends andoverall success and coming results... and I know this company like the back ofmy hand as I have been following it for quite some time.
AFA stock is presently extremely undervalued, and will definitely reach 15cents by mid August. With positive results announced in mid-August, wecan easily see it hit 30-40 cents. With extremely positive results, thenumbers can soar beyond that. I too have heard many rumours that the bigones have been found and it is only time before this is announced and the stocksoars.
52-week range is .07-.29. The stock is extremely undervalued in correlation toAFAs short and long-term goals which are extremely-well structured, yet earlyin their development. This company is extremely direct and specific intheir goals, and their vision is phenomenal - I recommend you read the businessplan and set milestones. We are at the early stages of long-termdevelopment, but the fundamental stages of seeing AFA solidify their structureand obtain positive positioning.
AFA has already concluded diamond presence in their specified underwater miningareas. Their first run was disappointing in calculable results, but in respectto the objective at hand, very successful, as they have proven the presence ofdiamonds in a geographical area that has already been proven to bring world-classresults. Considering their block spans a very wide and opportunisticarea, it does not take a genius to realize the big diamonds are there, and arecoming. I think many people do not realize that their first explorationwas simply sampling of small areas, and now the specified exploration incalculated areas is taking place.
On that respect, I own a multi-national jewelry manufacturing company and froma scientic level know that the bigger diamonds would not be lying on thesurface of the sea floor and be found on initial sampling. A diamond hasa specific gravity of 3.52. Water has a specific gravity of 1g/ Sand has a specific gravity of 1.92. Most rocks have aspecific gravity of 1.5-3. What this means is any diamonds that arepresent would have settled deeper to the sea floor, especially the big ones asthey have a stronger bearing than smaller stones. Simply put, we haveonly scratched the surface and tickled the beast, and patience will berewarded.
I was very excited to see AFA hire an outside invester relations firm.Humbercrest Capital manages other successful companies such as PC Gold whichsits around .90 cents. Their job is to raise capital, and this stock is anopportune buy right now, as once Humbercrest Capital begins to createawareness, especially with the soon coming results, it will only grow to newlevels.
With the strong volumes traded, this stock is a golden opportunity that doesn'tcome by very often. Best of luck to all AFA investers... Filet Mignons in2 weeks.