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Essential Energy Services Ltd EEYUF

Primary Symbol: T.ESN

Essential Energy Services Ltd. is a Canada-based company that provides oilfield services to oil and natural gas producers, primarily in western Canada. The Company offers completion, production and well site restoration services to a diverse customer base. Its Essential Coil Well Service (ECWS) segment provides completion and production services throughout western Canada. The ECWS fleet is comprised of coiled tubing rigs, fluid pumpers, nitrogen pumpers and ancillary equipment. Its Tryton segment provides a range of downhole tools and rental services across the WCSB and in the United States for completion, production and wellsite restoration of oil and natural gas wells. Its services are offered with coiled tubing, fluid and nitrogen pumping, and the sale and rental of downhole tools and equipment. Its coiled tubing fleet is comprised of generation I, II, III and IV coiled tubing rigs, which are differentiated by their capability to service wells with varying depths and well pressures.

TSX:ESN - Post by User

Post by Supersnipe_oneon Feb 15, 2011 3:18pm
Post# 18138044

Just in case anyone likes the........

Just in case anyone likes the........Colombian Service plays.........

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