RE: Enough with the top up opportunities!I've mentioned before, this is a junior, sp may pop on news, but will certainly drift on no news, and usually drift down. This is a long term, play for some, a day trade for others, and as you read some say it's a short, someone's gonna be right. All the facts, rumors and opinion here, may or may not make a difference.
At the end of the day this stock needs a catalyst to move, good drill results, a big 43-101, a take over, will move it higher, political tension, bad drill results move it down. Like I said I think no news means ths stock and many other juniors will usually drift lower.
If you like it hold it, if you're not sure what to do I hope it wasn't your rent money at work.
When companies put money in at 1.55 one would think they've been on the ground, spoke to the CEO, or Board members personally. Dundee analyst just raised the 1 yr target to 2.50, I hope he did some homework, but I don't think any analst is right everytime.
I understand, March 1st the Dundee Analsyt will be releasing info, other info should be coming out aswell (drill results, 43-101)
Me, I'm long, I hope I'm right, but sometimes when everything looks rosy.........suprise, you find out you've been investing with Bernie Madoff or something. GLTA