RE: RE: World needs CumoOh so you know what the world will need 7 years from now. Too bad you didnt know what would happen in the last year since you could have sold your shares of MSQ bought pretty much any other stock and made a killing and still come back and buy this stock cheaper.
You want to bank on 5% increase year over year to generate the room for CUMo to enter. Good luck with that.
You think this will be up in 7 years, good luck with that.
You think no other Moly mines will be coming online outside of the cpl you listed, def good luck with that.
Lot of assumptions you hope for there but could happen.
You made lots of money on a stock with a year over year negative return. Wow, you must be the greatest at find the very bottom. But I would really say you made much money since you havent realized anything.
Last time I checked, I did quite well selling out at 1.26, did you buy those shares, good for you.