RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: Mr. Brown CEOIt's official your are the most adorable well meaning poster I have ever read. Thank you
Who bought this because they want web traffic? you
Who holds this for other reasons web traffic?
Scott Ackerman
Anfield Sujir Kennedy & Durno
David Lyall
Frank Stronach
Eric Savics
David Shepherd
Robert Sali
Don Simpson
Now the you have brought a smile to all who read your well meaning is a reality you really should research
Verb Exchange Inc. another fabulous internet commerce rare earth
which pays our bills? music internet sales...or digging holes in the ground?
Hope you stay for the party and yes I have ads on my site but the return would never cover a bill from
Anfield Sujir Kennedy & Durno):
You are beyond refreshing all and I truly believe you deserve a piece of this pie!