Message to good40....Hi Good40,
I don't know if you noticed of late but the stockhouse message boards are literally inudated with adverstisers for penny stocks and subscription to services.
I say this so that you may realize that you are actually talking to the wall, there is nobody on these message boards apart from the same 150 to 160 whom have you on ignore.
Your negative tone has a NIL effect of this MB due to spam advertising.
My question to you is as follows:
Why do you waste your time posting if you know that is has no effect? The MB has become literally a joke with the large amount of SPAM. Can we at least agree on this?
With regards to 40% royalty, 40% cut and corporate taxes, all this talk of yours is irrelevant, none will count since you have no credibiilty especially since stock has soared 100% since your recommendation to sell.
Also, a 40% royalty of a 40% cut of trillions of barrels of oil, still leaves LFD with billions in the bank.
Given that you don't know the future, an estimate of trillions of barrels of oil is reasonable.