Checking in....Finally had time to give the video conference a listen.
Short term "news release" possibilities:
NKL will begin trading in the next 10 days. Will wait to see what happens there.
Management appointments in the next two to four weeks where Mr. Lee spoke highly of the same. Hence, good chance of some news on this front.
Off-take within the next 30 days.
Also, and if I'm not mistaken, I got the impression that Mr. Lee was going to provide an update on Ulaan Ovoo, the MOU and off-takes given the number of questions pertaining to the same. Then again, maybe not.
In a closing note, and for those that have watched the conference, I thought Helmut Pollinger a character. If there is another video conference, I will be certain to be watching laid back in a chair, smoking and drinking red bull. The only difference is that my red bull will be a splash into some Jagermeister.