RE: RE: "GBB-THE MAKINGS OF ANOTHER OSISKOWow, "GBB has the makings of another Osisko" Jay Taylor has made no mistake on this comment. I have gone back to Osisko's early exploration days and discovered that the grades along with their trading pattern is very similar to that of GBB. I am certain that when Osisko's CEO, Sean Roosen announced that Osisko was going to relocate an entire town many shareholders thought he was going to run the company into the ground. This is no surprise on how shareholders react when the shareprice goes south instead of north. As I recall, many Osisko share holders took imediate action, they fled like scattered geese and sold all their shares at 60cents. Sean Roosen had a vision no different than what Frank Basa has today in my opinion. I am certain that every CEO wants to take their company to the highest level possible. Do you all think that Osisko's chart went straight up. Think again, no company on this planet ever does. Osisko had good days and of course bad days, no different than GBB. Osisko did not become the company they are today over night.
GBB has an amazing property. KWG spent approx. 2mil. on exploration prior to GBB owning the property. If my mind serves me correctly I believe the property was purchased for only 350K. GBB to date has spent approx. 2mil on exploration. Last year we were one of the top ten public traded companies. Many shareholders have criticised both Frank Basa and Sean Roosen, at the end of the day, I honestly believe that our CEO will be as instrumental as Sean Roosen was in turning GBB into the next OSISKO.