RE: RE: to O and JMailmancp, Thanks allot! Your definitely the most credible person on this bb, by far...I have to agree with you that this site isn't receptive to information sharing. They don't deserve any. Friends of mine that have owned this stock over the years seem to be able to find out about it through their own research, because they actually check things out for themselves,example; they go to the sites in person and ask the actual people doing the "work".I could drop a word here, but no. Id have to prove anything I say 7 ways till Sunday and still few would believe me. Not everything is in the n.r., which by now are old news. I've read everything about NOG I could find including the web site and so on. I can't answer your questions, but they are valid and timely. As far as J is concerned, I could have used "delusions of grandeur" as a retort, but I chose the high road instead. Another friend of mine posted some blogs awhile ago and had a similar outcome as I just got. He can't be bothered with it anymore...So your left with a few big fish in a small pond. If anyone cares, I'm short and long on Nog, maybe grab some more soon. I don't post very often, but I follow all my companies closely. So good luck again everyone and Mailman; Keep up the good work!