RE: MD&AThe timing to move Tres towards production could be perfect for existing shareholders, if management can move the project forward with minimum dilution (although I doubt they know how to do that J). The price of Ge is touching $1500/kg and will probably be above $2000 by autumn and above $10000/Kg within the end of this decade.
China's View: Germanium Running Out
Chen Jianhengof the Chinese Society of Rare Earths"Germanium and rare earth metals are widely called "industrial gold" but the volume of Germanium is even less than rare earths …. China has 3,500 tons in germanium reserves, the second largest in the world. However, the total amount of global reserves --estimated at 8,600 tons --may not last more than 40 years." The planet's remaining germanium reserves are much less than the gold reserves of 86,000 tons … its price is not even 6% of the price of gold.Even China is running out of "Industrial Gold" critical metals