RE: We have Lift off..............................Hi I see you have been on this one since the beginning of time. But wasit not all about Solar not I do believe Semi conductor or ODIS.
Any hoot since I'm new on this is ODIS a separate company? I do like ALT energy ventures and solar is dam attractive.
What I do not understand is the TSX ‘2011 TSX Venture 50’, thing. As Ihave owned ENA since the beginning of time and for the last couple ofyears ENA has had the TSX thingy and it has gone nowhere as matter offact, lately nothing but down.
Overall perhaps you could give a newby a synopsis of why OPL is now taking off.
6/27/2007 11:43:51 PM | | 369 reads | Post #15148905
There is a manufacturer in China that makes solar panels;;;;;;;;;;so??news on deals coming tuit sweet!!...........$5 within 12 month....and you can take that to the safe