RE: BC GOV SurveyYeah, read that thought the following was very poorly written
Mitch Mihalynuk and Jim Logan of the BC Ministry of Forests, Mines and Lands first presented the information to the public at the 2011 AMEBC Roundup Conference in Vancouver, British Columbia. They postulated that the Dirk property and the VMS belt discoveries, of which Romios is the primary tenure holder, are "unprecedented opportunities to expand the 'Golden Triangle' to the north, from the Eskay Creek, Snip, and Rock and Roll deposits, towards the large Cu-Au-Ag porphyries in the neighbouring Galore Creek area" which includes Romios' Trek property and the NovaGold/Teck Resources' Copper Canyon property.
For those following, the copper canyon property is a 50/50 JV between NG and Copper Canyon that is heading towards litigation
How could Romios be so stupid in their press release..