JVsI wouldn't minimize the importance of the many JVs that KTN has. It would only take one of these to come through to give a good boost to our SP. Some of these companies have fairly low floats and decent SPs. Most of the properties have good potential IMO.
The JVs also allow the Co. tto concentrate on its flagship, Promentorio. These are the following 9 companies with JVs, shares outstanding, and their current share prices. Some of the shares outstanding were taken from Stockhouse and we know what thier accuracy sometimes is. All companies are on the Venture exchange:
AA .30 17.5 million
CPV .085 89
FEX .195 69
FMG .47 8
KS .035 202
NEE .77 18
ORS .055 48
PCR.P .29 8
SG .28 33