Digital Cinema will be busy stillFrom AA's Twitter......
Some highlights from the article......
DCR: Some exhibitors report difficulties in getting 35mm printsof some Hollywood releases. Are you aware of this and, if so, how isNATO addressing this?
JF: As long as I have been associated with exhibition there havebeen instances where certain exhibitors could not secure distribution offilm where they wanted it. The transition to digital cinema has, insome cases, made some problems worse. And as more and more cinemas godigital, the challenge for the remaining film exhibitors will grow. Theanswer, in my opinion, is for
those exhibitors to make the move todigital.
Film prints will not exist forever. If one considers the paceof the roll-out, and the roll-out periods required by the variousVPF-integrator deals,
film prints could be gone by as early as 2013.
This could force the speed up of the digital cinema roll out even more. NICE.