PRB value of chromiteI used KWG's valuation by Cormack from last year. KWG has since removed the valuation (not sure why) but it gave a value of .22c- 30c for KWG at 829 million shares.
Given that 30% of Big Daddy would leave them with 11.85MT of Chromite which is close to our 8.6MT but i did the ratio per MTonnes.
If KWG has a value of 27c then we should be worth $2.54 at 37.7M outstanding shares
Keep in mind:
that doesnt include PRB other properties/interests
that DOES include KWG other interests (property, NSR, RR)
Black Creek might be open pit mineable like Black Thor
Big Daddy is not open pit mineable (as stated by Mac Watson)
I have equal interests in KWG and PRB but I believe PRB is going to be the short term winner.
Just another reason to hold fast with PRB.
all opinions or corrections are always welcome.