New share holder
Hi to all on this board:
I have just today, invested in ATV after doing my DD and carefully looking at the fundementals.
I am a retired lab analyst / assayer who has analyzed and seen a huge number of properties come (into production) and go (out of existence) and have successfully invested in the ones I felt had merit. (I retired early). After examining the basics, property values, aggressive drilling program, management and their commitment to future exposure, it is obvious to me that this stock is greatly undervalued. It could easily trade at many multiples of itself.
With a Ni 43-101 pending, very good grades of gold (average gold producer in the world runs 0.5 gpt) it is hard to imagine these shares staying at these levels for any length of time. As in my previous successful investments, I am quite confident that I will be adding a healthy return from ATV. This is not based on mere spec. but on the reality of a lifetime of being in the mining analytical business.
Still some work to be done but the fundementals are very strong, the properties have good gold numbers with actual widths. In for the long run......which may not be that long!
As with my other long motto is:
Patience is paydirt.....
Panic is poor dirt!
Regards to all;