Edson blast victims recovering 'well'Edson blast victims recovering 'well'
By PAMELA ROTH, Edmonton Sun
Last Updated: March 8, 2011 5:11pm
- A worker injured in a flash fire at a Husky Energy oilwell sitesouth of Edson is taken, off a plane at the City Centre Airport Monday.(Photo courtest CITY TV)
Four people are still in hospital with various degrees of burnsfollowing an explosion that rocked a sweet gas well site south of Edsonon Monday that injured more than a dozen people.
Investigators with Occupational Health and Safety were back on the siteTuesday morning, combing the scene to determine the cause of the blast,which happened just before noon near the hamlet of Robb.
Spokesman Barrie Harrison said a flash fire erupted when crews wereperforming a common procedure called fracking. The employees wereworking with liquid propane when it ignited. A flash fire is describedas a blaze that suddenly erupts and then subsides.
The site will likely be shut down for a number of days as the investigation continues, added Harrison.
"The big question, of course, is what caused the propane to ignite?"said Harrison. "Gas fracking is something that happens every day at manytimes in this province, but any time an incident like this occurs,whether workers are injured or not, it's concerning.
Obviously we need to find out what sort of practises are in placebecause we have a lot of Alberta workers who are in this industry and weneed to make sure it's safe for everybody."
Harrison said investigators will be examining the equipment to determineif there was an equipment failure or if the blast had something to dowith the procedures. A significant amount of equipment was damaged as aresult of the explosion.
The site is owned by Husky Energy, but a company spokesperson said the13 injured employees were contract workers, who worked for threedifferent companies, including GasFrac Energy Services and Dalmac EnergyInc.
Jon Babic, president of Dalmac, was shocked when he heard two of his employees were injured in the blaze.
He said one man was flown to University Hospital over concerns heingested some methanol, while the other man was treated for minor burnsin Edson.
Both men, who are originally from Nova Scotia, are now recovering at home with their family.
"I was hoping for the best and anticipating the worst," said Babic. "NowI am just relieved. You can't imagine what they went through. It's avery traumatic thing."
Carla Yuill, spokeswoman for Husky Energy, said nine of the injuredworkers were treated and released from hospital on Monday, while fourremain in an Edmonton hospital with various degrees of burns.
A 24-year-old man was listed in critical condition and taken to theUniversity Hospital by STARS. There is no update on his status."From all reports we are hearing, they are doing well," said Yuill.
Approximately 40 people were working at the site when the blast occurred.