RE: INT IS SCREWED NOW."They are not going to sell it now. But... they've already said they need to sell it because they cant afford to go forward with it. The news is full of typical INT banter. They throw out the key words.... Facebook, gmail, etc.... WHO CARES ? What the he11 do they have to do with anything. And... save the big numers please. Nobody cares that the total population of the 10 biggest countries equals 3.8 billion people. What on earth does that have to do with anything? Just a bunch more hot air from a company now that has no ability to sell its product. Back down to .10 cents. And Goldman......... shut up about your fabricated $1.50 story. If that were true... management would have jumped at the offer and given everyone in the room a happy ending. they are stuck with lots of people using their free service without making any money, and no hope of being bought."
Notice how the better the news gets, the harder the paid bashers have to work? Keep that in mind as an indicator.... ; )