Still confusedAfter reading this over a number of times, could someone tell me how they were unable to double check the numbers at the time and now unable to reconcile the numbers after they used verification drill holes and reported the method they used to come up with the evaluation.?
In October 2009, Caracle Creek International Consulting Inc. (CCIC)completed the digitizing and modeling of all historical data from theformer Quebec Lithium mine. The modeling by CCIC increased the targetestimate for the mine area to 29-30 million tonnes grading 1.1%-1.2% Li
In order to upgrade the conceptual estimate to a National Instrument43-101 compliant, classifiable resource estimate, the Company recentlycompleted a 7,000-metre verification/delineation drill program at theQuebec Lithium site. This program "twinned" approximately 28 of themore than 400 historic surface and underground holes. Additionally, anumber of holes were drilled to approximately 500 metres vertical depthto demonstrate ore continuity at depth in the area of the existing mineworkings.
Core from this drilling program is currently being used as a bulkmetallurgical sample for ongoing metallurgical testing. This workprogram is part of the pilot metallurgical test work that will be usedfor a Bankable Feasibility Study and also to deliver additionalmarketing samples to Mitsui in Japan.
The 29-30 million tonne potential tonnage estimate by CCIC was based onprevious drill results that defined the approximate length, thickness,depth and grade of the historic estimate. This incorporated over 60surface diamond drill holes, 340 underground drill holes and 21underground stopes. A three-dimensional geological model was developedfrom this data to aid in deposit evaluation.
In the third quarter of 2010, the Company annnouced a 43-101 compliant mineral resource estimate as follows:
Table 1 Category | Tonnes* (millions) | % Li20 |
Measured & Indicated Resources | 47.0 | 1.19 |
| | |
Inferred Resources | 58.0 | 1.18 |
(Inferred Mineral Resource is exclusive of total Measured and Indicated Mineral Resources.)(The Measured, Indicated and Inferred Mineral Resource andProven and Probable Mineral Reserve estimates in this press release wereprepared in accordance with the CIM "Definition Standards on MineralResources and Mineral Reserves" adopted by the CIM Council on December11, 2005, and the CIM "Estimation of Mineral Resources and MineralReserves Best Practice Guidelines," adopted by CIM Council on November23, 2003, in compliance with NI 43-101 guidelines, using the polygonalmethod.)