It's easier:to be cynical than optimistic when as much of your personal cash as we all have invested is involved.
These guys know what they are doing. They know how to use the resources they have and develop the resources they don't have. For my money Rob, Toby, and company have my complete confidence.
It is a good thing, IMO, that jonggua has some reservations. It keeps things in a realistic perspective in light of the amount of speculation regarding how much gold is in the ground.
If any of you have an opportunity to tour a gold mine, I highly recommend it. There are two I recommend if you have the chance:
Molly Catherine Mine in Cripple Creek, Colorado.
Eagle Mine in Julian, California. This is BY FAR a better tour of how mines used to process material with very little water. If you go, talk to Greg or Kim. Kim (he is a guy that looks like he just walked out of a California Gold Rush era post card) took my family and others on a tour of the mine and the processing equipment used in the late 19th and early 20th century.
Have a great day.