RE: For all new readers of this PDG Forum....M99 wrote
For years now, a bunch of losers, including robduster, and his very numerous aliases, including blotto etc...t many to list, along wilth a drunken large tribe of Indians, and a few others, have been, and still are shorting, KXL now PDG..there are posts from them on the reord fully admitting to this, although, they haven>t been around lately, for some reason...LOL>>>LOL>>>LOL>>
Show some proof of the aliases JohnDeFool. I cannot speak for Rodbuster, but I am no alias, nor do I have any.
On the other hand I can prove you do use aliases.
Here is your note on the SPQ board from your Mellow99 alias apparently getting a secret message from your other alias JohnDeFool.
You also have lotsomoney and few others.
Now what do you have to say about that, a person who uses aliases accusing others who don't of using aliases.
I don't care what people so with their money, I am not shorting or bashing. I only want to make others aware of what kind of a turd you are.
PS if you want me to find the post of you denying you know who JohnDeFool is, I can, just to add some spice to your note from him to you.