Hi Nopoo
Well insider nopoo you were quick and nasty with your earlier replies to me. Change of heart
since the new people got involved. A lepard never changes his spots nopoo!!! You will and
ernie will have to deal with his past till the bitter end.
ernie does not give up control of anything, especially when it comes to his most prized possession,
which is $$$$$$$$ there are 33,323,418 shares out on tiex, and fully diluted 43,680,241
so how shares does ernie and the bergvinson family trust control????? this is very important
because if ernie ( i assume the largest shareholder of tiex ) has nothing to do with the day to day
operation of the company then watch out for a steady stream of paper once the sp appreciates.
ernie has never in his life ever given up control, he's a control freak, so why now????
due diligence is paramount in todays financial world, so this begs me to ask the question how much
dd was conducted on ernie boy's last 25 - 30 years of business by the new person. just ask the
yukon people, or the last three companies that invested 9 million in moose pasture, and saw their
funds evaporate. ernie's motto is do very little work, have everyone else raise the capital, place the
blame on everyone else, and ernie always makes the most money....................................this is a
re-occuring movie. and i'm steve harvey " thats the truth "