For all you doing dd.Last month, OPEL. Solar Inc. in the USA and Ecotech Environmental Technology Ltd. formed the joint venture OPEL Solar Asia Ltd.(OSA) in Hong Kong. OPEL says that the JV represents the beginning of a long-turm goal to position it to enter East Asia developing the HCPV market there and moving OPEL Solar HCPV technology into what is reckoned to be the worlds fastest-growing solar market, with years of strong growth ahead. The mission of OPEL Solar Asia is to market OPELs HCPV products throughout East Asia. The primary country targeted for CPV market penetration is China." According to a recent posting on New Energy World Network,China photovoltaic market is one of the largest in the world and has a robust growth projection" says OPELs Solar Inc. cheif operating officer Frank Middleton.