selecting jr mining stocksI came across an interesting article detailing some "rules" for buying jr mining stocks. The sector has been quiet for a bit now, but gold just set a new record high so I think the sector may see some action, and perhaps it's time to see if all my holding fit these "rules" and take a hard second look at those that don't and buy more of those that do.
First up, Oroco.
-land positions around existing or former mines - YES
-juniors with minority stakes held by senior producers or top performing gold fund managers - YES (Yamana has a position) and YES (Pinetree Capital owns 10%)
-stocks that could plausibly double in 10 months - YES (an NPV greater than $1.50/share and net revenue in the 1st yr of mine life in excess of the current market cap. suggest this is not just plausible but likely)
-Is the Bull Market Over? - You wouldn't be reading this if it was anywhere near over.
-Location, location, location. YES, Sonora State is happening.