David's recent activitiesIf I am reading the latest INK Report correctly, on March 21st David Lucatch converted a $550,000 debenture into 5 million common shares and 5 million exchangeable warrants at 11-cents and 16-cents respectivey. He converted 4 million of those warrants yesterday for 4 million common shares, and he is still the owner of 3,000,000 exchangeable share warrants and 13,877,179 common shares and 2,225,000 options.. He also indirectly controls another 1,602,558 common shares.
Herb Willer is still the owner of 625,000 common shares, after his 175,000 share sell the other day as well as 100,000 exchangeable warrants and 450,000 options, with indirect control of another 909,090 common shares and exchangeable wararnts after converting his $100,000 debenture..
All in all insiders still control a large number of common shares, exchangeable warrants and options. I see no problem with that.