I was right! Check out my portfolioadded MBG a few weeks ago and got rewarded. You can see it in my portfolio... Here is my next buying recommendation. Don't let the next train leave the station without you:
I want to tell you about COREX GOLD.
They released great newsyesterday, which is the beginning of a great story and the discovery ofpotential multimillion ounce deposit.
"Corex Gold Corp. has achievedcontinuedexploration success through the 20,000-metre 2011 drillprogram on itsSantana property, Sonora state, Mexico. Step-out anddowndip holes were collared in theNicho zone. These new holes haveencountered significant mineralization,including 161.5 metres of 1.04g/t Au including 53.4 metres of 1.67 gramsper tonne (g/t) Au and 24.1metres of 3.38 g/t Au from hole S11-101D."
Their20.000m drilling program started in early february and the news flow isguaranteed. Corexanticipates a steady streamof drilling news and exploration results overthe upcoming months fromits continuing 20,000-metre diamond drillprogram.
The20.000m drilling program is fully financed. With 44mio sharesoutstanding and a share price @0,66 this is imo one of the bestnear-,mid-and longterm buying opportunities.
Drilling is continuing at theNicho zone and once complete will continuein the Ubaldo zone to followup on the new discovery hole whichreturned 54.9 metres at 0.87 g/t Auand 21.8 g/t Ag (news release inStockwatch dated Dec. 8, 2010). Afterthe Ubaldo zone drilling iscomplete the rig will then be moved tosoutheast of the Nicho zone (LaMicha) where some blue sky targetsidentified via 3-D IP will be tested.This step-out drilling is designedto test the periphery of the knownzones to date.
Theystep-out hole they intersected from their yesterday's news release are the best results the companyhasdrilled to date on the Santana property, in both grade andthickness. Theholes confirm a higher-grade component to a very robustmineralizedsystem.
So when all of these factors cometogether i see Corex Gold with a price target of 3$.
Check out their insider buyings. Manyinsider were buying through march a the actual price level.
Theprice action yesterday was strange with some fake asks to collect somecheap shares. When the word spreads about this small company over theweekend i expect institutional buying bringing the shre price over 1$ind the next 10-15 trading days. Today is a great buying opportunitybefore the word spreads. I know you never heard about this company, soit is time to buy before everybody knows about it. Another drill holelike this and this will explode. And with 20.000m of drilling news canbe released every day. AND there is the takeover factor: Gammon Lake isactually holding over 10% of the company. What else do you want more?This company has all what a junior needs!
Have a niceweekend and happy investing!