Defining Discovered Petroleum Initially in Place
Not all the oil defined as DPIIP, Discovered Petroleum Initially in Place, is recoverable. Recoverable reserves may be as high as 60% and as low as 10%. Some initial production figures are used to estimate DPIIP. So we should expect some fraction of 6.27 million Mstb to be the actual recoverable reserves. (M=1000)
.Discovered Petroleum-initially-in-place is that quantity of petroleum which isestimated, on a given date, to be contained in known accumulations, plus thosequantities already produced therefrom. Discovered Petroleum-initially-in-placemay be subdivided into Commercial and Sub-commercial categories, with theestimated potentially recoverable portion being classified as Reserves andContingent Resources respectively, as defined below." --World Petroleum Council
"Discovered Petroleum Initially In Place is that quantity of petroleum which is estimated, on a
given date, to be contained in known accumulations, plus those quantities already produced
therefrom." --Department of Natural Resources, Louisiana