deal maystealer....i have explained to my two teenage sons what a clown and a pumper you are and how your misinformation is intented to scam regular folks out of their money. you are one evil dude. now my kids have a few thing to say:
JUNIOR TEEN comment - Dear Mother freaking D-Bag,Nobody likes liars. ESPECIALLY ones like you. You're full of sh*t. Lying to benefit yourself and hurt others is ridiculous. Your family hates you and probably disowned you as a child. I cant even begin to contemplate the amount of times you toilet has been clogged because of all the sh*t you put out.
SLIGHTLY OLDER TEEN comment - You sorta strike me as the type of person who would invest their dying grandmothers life insurance money in AOL. you see, AOL is a thriving and successful company, with nearly 5000 BOPD! just think, would you really rather have a dying grandmother or 5000 BOPD? In addition, i have a few suggestions, if you happen to be Canadian, run on down to your local tim horton's and chow down on some strawberry timbits. Why? because i own stock in Timmy Ho's & i want it to go up. lastly hobble on in to a nearby future shop & go buy a justin bieber CD, you sissy. CINCOAGAIN - SO THERE YOU HAVE IT MAYSTEALER. ITS UNIVERSAL, YOUR A JERK