have filled part ofhave filled part of my position hope to do the rest in the next two-three days. seldom comment on a board untill i have filled what i want, but u seem lonely here. this co. will take off like u have stated when they get the pipeline hooked -up and are allowed to do more fracing. they have a huge potenial as they and buk. are the only ones going to be producing gas in the state of IDAHO. There is the chance that they are also notice by a larger co. once they have the true amt of gas confirmed, this will come in time as they expaned to all there land holdings.u can be sure that this is big news in the state.i myself donot hold a stock to long if it goes up or down, but i expect this one to go up as soon as the pipeline is hooked up and the metering station is in place. the other thing is that they donot have a lot of outstanding shares for a small co.
keep you're stick on the ice