TommorrowWell ladies and gentlemen boys and girls. Looks like our lovely friend silver is at 38.11 at the moment. Very good chance we punch through the old high of 38.18 and push through 40 very soon ........ Looks like we are indeed going to 43 or so........ Maybe the boys got some silver news up there sleave. Some on San Roque would be good. The price continuing to appreciate just bodes even more well for San Roque as it just improves the economics of it more and more... Also will likely motivate them to move quicker with it... I was talking to Hugh and he asked me if I wanted to get in on the PP for the co that did the JV on Toruel so hopefully this will help them get funded and also get that project moving quicker. I think that they really try to get moving on projects that are in hot spaces as Buffone has a lot of sway. Be nice to see some rare earth stuff and I bet they are working on more silver stuff...