kumark - Bear Lake - Eloro Res.kumark you clearly has noticeable research skills - it took for you no time to find out my "date of birth" and posting
history" - good job man.
The little problem is that I am not nearly as important for current (or possible future
shareholders of Eloro) as the existing? connection if any between Bear Lake (under OSC investigation on Fraud) and Eloro, especially with respect to senior officers.
It's pretty much irrelevant but it looks like you're really interested about myself so if you really are:
The recent announcement on OSC investigation grabbed my attention; from the surface it looked like Bear Lake
is attractively valued now and I thought that they somehow resolved their "little" problem.. but now that OSC.
Eloro looks like a "good buy" - it's so cheap now... so if you don't mind I just trying to understand the actual situation,
as much as I can, and to understand, if it's even possible, what kind of risk involved.
So I'm doing my DD, again if you don't mind.
kumark, instead of answering the question on Eloro -- Bear Lake connection, which I think, is of relevance
to current and possible future shareholders, you are diverting attention of this board to
anonymous poster (myself, the same like you and others by the way) and trying to get personal.
My Google search (Eloro <-> Bear Lake) is confusing me (for example Mr. Thomas Larsen?) , that's why I'm just asking oldies of some help.
Considering the above noticed your skills you were not able to Google any connection between
Eloro and Bear Lake??
And YOU ARE ACCUSING ME OF PLAYING GAMES???? you're a one funny man kumark.