RE: USA now earning $125,000 per dayOK Cracker- Here is is in your own words- you are such a FRAUD!! LAst week you and Leon were calling for the firing of management and blaming them for the low stock price, In fact you stated (BELOW) that the public is SMARTER than management!!
I said no- it is the investing public that is TOO STUPID TO KNOW WHAT USA OFFERS
So- here you come with yet another contradiction- it is the public that is too stupid to know!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
3/30/2011 10:58:41 PM | | 169 reads | Post #29506097
Now lets see. Where do Istart? Lets start with the auditors. Deloitte has completed its audit ofhundreds of other companies and the earnings have allready beenreleased. Every NYSE, AMEX and NASDAQ company must release their reportsby tomorrow at the latest. Most released their's days ago or weeks ago.These companies also need to do verifications and have many issues likeUSA except every one of them got their reports done on time. If USA wason the AMEX the report would be done by tomorrow and that would be theend of that. USA is hiding behind the venture exchange rule that allowsthem to wait until April 30. The venture exchange is supposed to be forexploration companies. USA is one of the few significant producers thathas not moved up to the Toronto exchange. They have chosen to remain arinky dink company so they don't have to comply with AMEX rules. As faras the investing public, they are far smarter than USA management. Theyhave been buying significant amounts of physical silver because theyknew silver was going much higher. USA is in the silver business andthey chickened out as soon as silver went up a little. They didn't knowwhat the average guy on the street knew six months ago. As far asresults, all the results in the world do no good if nobody knows aboutthem. As far as stock ownership, 100% of my portfolio is in USA so I ammildly interested in the stock. As far as the small hedging loss sincewhen is $4M a small loss? As far as having the wrong earnings releasedate I was given that date by IR and I have the EMail from them to provethat. They made a mistake and told me earnings had to be out by March31. I was going by what they told me. As far as me shutting up I willspeak whenever I want and whatever I want. I know of some good angermanagement classes over in Orlando if you are interested. You reallyneed to start taking your prozac on a regular basis.