TORONTO, ONTARIO--(Marketwire - April 6, 2011) - Claim PostResources Inc. (TSX VENTURE:CPS) (the Company) has completed the first 2 diamonddrill holes of the winter drill program on the Dayton Racetrack property 5 milessouth of the city of Timmins in Northern Ontario, Canada. The historical Daytongold zone has been traced by ground magnetics and "deep" IP and most recentlywith a deep EM – Magnetic airborne survey by Fugro. The Insight deep IP surveyhas indicated a 1.2 km wide shear zone with IP targets similar, in nature, tothe Lakeshore Gold system, 20km to the west.
2011 Drilling Program Results
As mentioned in the previous Company Press Release dated October 13,2010, diamond drill hole CPDP10-06 was collared at the west end of Dayton goldsystem to intersect the down plunge direction at a 300m depth. This holeintersected two anomalous gold quartz vein systems with the best intersectionbeing 1.14g/t gold along a core length of 3.1m; bothintersections were located in much wider zones of quartz veining, 8.4m and 7.6mcore length respectively. The 2011 diamond drill holes CPDP11-08 and -09 weredesigned to check the Dayton gold horizon 200m and 500m further to the west.
Drill hole CPDP11- 08; was drilled at 180 degrees azimuth with a minus 50degree dip. The reflex survey showed the hole flattening to 38 degrees prior toterminating in a talc-chlorite rich shear zone. However, nine separate low gradegold intersections were assayed with the intersections over 1.0 g/t listed onthe attached table. The highest grade interval to date is 5.87g/t over.66m within a mineralized lens averaging 1.2g/t over 6.78m. A widerzone of banded iron formation, compared to the surface exposure, was noted from592.24 to 598.92 meters down the hole.
Drill hole CPDP11-09 was drilled south to the north (000 azimuth) at a minus58 degree dip and intersected 3 gold bearing porphyry lenses between 260 m to430m; 451m to 486m and 622m to 635m, prior to terminating in a siliceous,porous, "rehealed-pebbly" volcanic zone from 700m to 743m. A total of 15 lowgrade gold intersections were encountered in all rock types including theporphyries. The best grade intersection assayed 4.79g/t gold over 0.84m,from 701.24 to 702.21 m down the hole – see following table forintersections and lithological units.
Table 1: Significant Intersections CPDP11-8
Table 2: Significant Intersections CPDP11-9
The Company's President and C.E.O., Charles Gryba commented: "A goldexploration program in the Timmins area looks for 3 things: gold values, faultstructures and porphyry systems. Finding a new gold bearing porphyry system thatlooks like the Lakeshore porphyries is very encouraging. As for structure, bothholes unfortunately ended in porous fault/shear zones before completely drillingthrough the IP targets. As such, we may have identified the north boundary ofthe 1.2km wide shear zone"
"The Dayton gold system has now been test drilled along a strike length ofone kilometer with gold values intersected down to a depth of 500m. We also nowhave evidence that a porphyry system and structure exists on the properties.What is encouraging is that the numbers of individual gold intersections areincreasing from 2 or 3 at the east end of the Dayton gold system to 15intersections (greater than 1.00 g/t) in multiple rock types over a 200m widthtowards the west. Many of the gold systems in Timmins have been known to be 3 to10 km long and so; we will keep drilling further west, and hopefully sooner orlater we may encounter a wider high grade zone."
A total of 227 samples were sawn from drill hole CPDP11-8 and 666 samplesfrom CPDP11-9. One half of the sawn core was left in the box with it'scorresponding sample tag. The second half was bagged and sent to SPJ Labs,Metals & Minerals in Lively, Ontario for fire assay gold analysis with agravimetric finish. SPJ Labs is an ISO 9001 certified lab for sample preparationand fire assaying. Blanks, duplicates and standards were inserted into thesampling process every 30 to 40 samples as part of the ongoing QA/QCprogram.
Lawrence Buss P. Geo. Exploration Manager is Claim Post's Qualified Person incompliance with National Instrument 43-101 with respect to this release. Mr.Buss has reviewed the contents for accuracy and has approved the press releaseon behalf of Claim Post.
Click on the link below to listen to an interview with Claim Post President& CEO, Mr. Charles Gryba discussing the significance of this pressrelease:
Investors are also invited to visit the Claim Post social network whereimages of core intersections that correspond with this press release can beviewed.
Claim Post Resources has also updated its corporate website. Please go to:
Claim Post Resources Inc. is a Canadian based mineralexploration company and a reporting issuer in Ontario, Alberta and BritishColumbia. The Company currently holds a 100% interest in the mineral rights toabout 1145 staked claim units and 63 patented claims (~200 km sq. or 72 sq.miles), wholly within the city limits of Timmins, Ontario. The Company continuesto stake ground as it becomes available. There are 36,163,831 common shares ofthe Company issued and outstanding.
Statements in this release that are forward-looking reflect the Company'scurrent views and expectations with respect to its performance, business, andfuture events. Such statements are subject to various risks and assumptions,some, but not necessarily all, are disclosed elsewhere in the Company's periodicfilings with Canadian securities regulators. Such statements and informationcontained herein represent management's best judgment as of the date hereofbased on the information currently available; however actual results and eventsmay vary significantly. The Company does not assume the obligation to update anyforward-looking statement.
Neither TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as thatterm is defined in the policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) acceptsresponsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.