Marketing Lessons From a Rock and Roll GreatGene Simmons - Lessons From a Rock and Roll Great
Here are some excerpts from Gene's Marketing Ideals ... especially the systematic 1-2-3 lauches of your initiative.
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Gene has created a multi-million dollar empire out of merchandisable clothing, posters, stickers, electronic gear, etc.... all with a very catchy logo and designs.
Think through each and every area that you can generate revenues from your business and offerings.
Find ways to incorporate a membership program into your business.
What is your conversation piece? When someone talks about you and your business, what one thing are they likely to bring up in the conversation?
Find something, anything that can position you as highly unique.
Have annual customer appreciation events (more frequent is even better). People LOVE a good party - give them one.
Is there any way you can license your brand, your products, your services, even your marketing process or ads?
Cross promote everything that you sell, or want to sell. Each and every part of your business needs to be selling the other parts.
Create systematic 1-2-3 launches for every new initiative you are undertaking this year.
Always be asking yourself how you can make more money from your existing products or services, and how you can repackage them for bigger boosts in sales.
Brand yourself as the personality of your business.
How would you sell you and your company if you were a rock star? Use that personality in your blog posts, in your newsletters, in your marketing and on your website - that is one of your greatest assets if you leverage it right.
Work harder (and smarter) than anyone else in your industry.