Look ahead, don't worry about what is behindWhat is hot, what is now, what is coming. Look to what will be.
Talk to you friends, your relatives, your work mates- see what they are buying, what they are using.
Go to the mall, see the latest trendy fashions, technology, communication- INT.
Jerrio78 and others have pointed out that you need to observe the trend. Don't just go through your work day, come home and get up and do the same thing. OBSERVE and make notes.
Gold, Oil, IT, Communication, Social media (re.INT)- doesn't matter where you put your energy but look out towards the next year and the one after that. Where will we be, how will we be communicating, what will we be using to fuel our nation and move our economy.
Invest in the future and INT is a part of that...................again...IMHO...............Folken