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Trillium Therapeutics Inc. T.TRIL

Trillium Therapeutics Inc is a clinical-stage immuno-oncology company that is engaged in developing therapies for the treatment of cancer. It has two clinical programs, TTI-621 and TTI-622, that target CD47. The company operates in the United States and Canada.

TSX:TRIL - Post by User

Bullboard Posts
Post by Tumbleweed67on Apr 16, 2011 3:25pm
Post# 18441642

Two Weeks

Two WeeksBaylor, I have no idea if your little tete-a-tete is the cause, or coincidence?
But it has been 2 weeks since, and I haven't seen a post from "you know who".
If, in fact, you are the reason, I and many others here, owe you a big "thank you".

Nicely done,
Bullboard Posts