cheerleadingThat was a good post by richernow. The rest of you guys are just 'true believers' who haven't been to the site.
I've been to the site and IMHO wasn't impressed by what I saw.
Its true RBYC stock has done well, I am glad, however, I've been extremely frustrated by what these guys are doing. They have been operating too long without a good mine plan or doing proper sampling and gold recovery work. Lots of stock does well on the hype, but how about a new resource estimate and of that what is the recoverable gold percent?
Gold mining doesn't just happen. I've been to many placer operations and there was the usual hiccups but they started panning, sampling, test pitting etc. Ruby Ck seems to be too much talk and not much action. If they think their site is remote they should try the Yukon. You can basically work 365 days a year at Mkuvia, so lets get going.