Lest we forget.The Quebec moratorium is a big set back and disappointing, but lets not forget that there are big plays in other areas of QEC,s holdings.
Beaver River and the Greater Sierra are both areas I have worked in the past. I was very very close in the Drilling of 120 wells from 2004 to Mar 2010 in the Sierra doing Jean Marie Under Balanced Horizontals , no fracking required , 5 to 44 million cubic feet per day . 20 to 35 % of the wells we drilled were over 15 million a day with the exception of 5 or 6 that were from 30 to the best one , 44 million cubic feet per day. I only recall drilling 4 dusters. This can be pretty good cash flow even at $4.25 . They take 10 – 12 Days to drill at a cost of around 1.6 mill (That’s just drilling cost, Rig , UBD , Directional , Camp and Support). There is tons of infrastructure there making markets easily assessable and many Service Companies close at hand. There are many big players up there Apache, EnCana to name a couple. Legacy is also up in that area with an Oil play at Maxhamish. QEC has lots to work with outside of Quebec. Quebec Fracking moratorium is a set back YES, a Death spiral NO