Ulaan Ovuu Profittable this QuarterWith all equipment paid for, no debt, and money in the bank and Ulaan Ovuu projected to be cashflow positive this Quarter, why are you suggesting that PCY will be running out of money anytime in the near future helgek?
I'm not sure why you consistently post negatively, but everytime you get an answer to your negatvie suggestion, you seem to simply ignore it and go on to the next negative subject.
I would hope that you could add something constructive instead of just destructive to the mix, but it seems your stuck on one side.
Sure there are risks, but with production, and profits and positive cashflow in the very near future, PCY should be self-sufficient soon, and with the production schedule, they should be growing in sales and cashflow each and every month. Therefore, I highly doubt they're going to run out of cash anytime soon.
Actually, I would think that if production and sales increase as projected, that so will their cash in the bank.
Also, with regards to Chandgana, it states in their presentation that they will receive a 3 year grace period. Am I to believe this grace period is to do with the financing? It sounds that way, and if so would only make things so much more achievable. GLTA