Why is this stock's valuationBased on a BNN interview? A Gene Simmons Kiss auction? Facebook likes? Twitter followers?
This is the type of software you try ONCE and never go back. It is a novelty item. WHO NEEDS IT??? To say Hello to some distant relative in Taiwan once per year at Xmas?
Social media valuations are based on MASS APPEAL and CONSTANT use. Who on earth would use this Ostrobo thing on a daily basis?
I am convinced that 99.9% of people on the planet with a computer have NO USE for this thing, And if they DO use it it would be very rare. How many times have YOU used it? How many people do you know that you need to speak to that do not speak English?
The pumpers know all of this already and they have worked hard for perhaps a dime gap up in the morning before the deluge of selling. Yes there will be volume tomorrow. Daytraders, hypesters, penny flippers and pump and dumpers. That's where your volume comes from.
If I owned this stock I would need to be on Valium....just knowing that another shoe could drop at any second.