We all know thatYwrong and Eaglefresh are the same poster right? He's rejoicing over at ISD where I flipped a few today for a very hansome reward, earned a few ignores while I bashed in pure YWrong fashion. I hope you all sell over there before June, when one of their Directors (and I can't figure out why they wouldn't give him the boot yet) is due to appear before the securities commission for the SECOND time, since the first time I assume he didn't have an excuse in order to avoid further scruitiny. Allegedly him and his Dad and others in kahoots sold a bunch of shares to people that weren't qualified to buy them to the tune of 5.2 million dollars in total. Lo and behold the company went titz up before they ever got listed! Guess he'll either be exonerated, jailed or flee the country back to the UK ...or farther. Only time will tell, but it seems completely unreal that if iSign is on the up and up that they wouldn't have given him the boot back in December, when they had to announce their own director was suspect. Of course the ISD board would have you believe that the issue was "settled", they also told me it was from dealings in the UK. Both false, involved BC residents .
Point is, I would be too "long" over there, it might hit the fan, but good luck in the mean time, tomorrow maybe another run up?.
Sorry to those that don't want to hear about other stocks here, judging from their sudden volume obviously INT fans are being lured over there too.
Don't listen to me though, get it from the Securites Commission:
how abouth that? A Basher that posts facts to back up. Almost never happens!