Another blast from the past from Lorne GHere is a classic from LorneG (Note: BNC closed at 41.5 cents that day).
And I know, I know, I am burnt toast, I have been tweaked and a girl is entitled to change her mind.
5/8/2009 9:05:07 PM | | 177 reads | Post #26907305
Surprise surprise, you people don't recall things too well! I was the first one to raise the possibility of bankruptcy weeks ago, while we were all lusting after a lucrative partnership, and now some of you are flipping around in a quagmire of Gooo blaming everyone other than the key operator........yourself!
If you bought this stock as anything other than a pure speculation, I am sorry, you were wrong.
So what do you do now? Sell the few thousand shares you have at a loss, or if you have several Kshares, you can sell at a loss, or hold on to your original belief that this Company has potential. Yes, they may declare bankruptcy in a few weeks, and all of your shares will be worthless. Mine too! I have several hundred Kshares, and this was supposed to be my play money. I took a risk and I may lose.
I do believe at this point, BNC will make a deal B4 May 30. Actually they have no choice. Won't be the lusted after home run, or even the happily accepted double with no outs. Like it or not BNC is on the begging end of a deal, so they gotta take whatever they can get.
I am surprised the sp is holding because in this dismal atmosphere shareholders have got to be saying to themselves, should I bail or let the sucker go to zero. If I had a few K shares, I'd bail, but since I'm in over my hair transplants, I'm going to hang in with eternal hopelessness, as any fool with his money who is soon parted with the aforementioned.
BNC is searching for money with robustness. Some of you are skewing the facts with robustness. Let us see who are the correct robusts.