Re Pattern This strange pattern has been going on for some time. Could it possibly be "PRICE MANIPULATION"???? Check out what has been happening in the last 15 minutes of the trade day for the last month. This happens to be just one of the many questions I asked about in my April 23 letter to the BCSC , that's the British Columbia Securities Commission. You can reach them at: --- PO BOX 10142 Pacific Centre----- 701 West Georgia Street----- Vancouver, Brirish Columbia, Canada V7Y 1L2. Why don't you ask them? I write to a BCSC investigator , by name, since last year. I can assure you, YNG is on the BCSC RADAR . Another major question I asked, "WHY DOES THE TSX YNG , DAILY ACTIVITIES PAGE STILL SHOW A TOTAL OF 687.67 MILLION OUTSTANDING SHARES"??? when we all know that YNG has had an increase of almost 236,853,053 outstanding shares since April 13??? Another question is, "WHY DOES THE INSIDER ACTIVITIES PAGE" show such a long delay between when an insider does a transaction, and when he reports it ??? Is there not a mandated time limit for them to report those transactions??? There were also some other questions. So many questions, so few answers. Just curiosity. ICE