RE: Hope they HALT this time... WRONGwrong wrong.
halting is for drama queen mgmt teams imo.
you halt for good news and you get a gap up at the open. a gap on the chart is a point of weakness and a magnet for the share price to backfill.
gives brokers and pro trading groups time to phone, IM, email, text, tweet or otherwise communcate with each other to setup a strategy to screw the public when the stock reopens.
far better to release the news into a live market especially when the broker community knows that the company intends to raise cash in the near future.
this stock is super cheap right now and any financing will enable the brokers to make a ton of loot off their commission shares.
so the financing broker will make way more money with his cheaper commish shares on the subsequent runup than they would off the cash commish from raising at a higher price. that's why good mgmt teams with a great resource play hardball with brokers.
part of playing hardball is NOT to halt for good news.