We Longs only need the facts:The applications are much valued, the traffic numbers are legitimate, American retail investors desire the stock, Intertainment Media is getting publicity that's truly out of this world, David Lucatch has not moved in 15 years plus, his business model has remained unchanged since this Companys beginnings. Intertainment Media will likely be the object of a bidding war between MSFT and GOOG.
If "Abe the Short" went in deep on a short position, and needs a friend to write a smear article, his friend will oblige because he feels sorry for him, like a good friend would.
Abe brags about shorting this Company?
Abe is feeling the heat.
It's better that Abe covers now, than at $27 a share.
Abe should try shorting RIM-T instead, maybe .. : )