RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: Handeni 43-101I use a 5/0 bait hook on about a 4 foot, 30 lb leader, shuck a fresh clam, weave the "leg" onto the hook several times, then through the main body (stomach, whatever you want to call it), and enough weight to hold bottom just above the leader. If we're out on a boat, chumming with frozen clam helps tremendously. BTW, clams seem to work only in the spring. In the fall, I either liveline bunker, use AVA jigs, or wet some eels, with the bunker usually outperforming everything else. The problem is, you have to find and net the bunker first LOL. I just don't have the talent to properly toss that net a la the guys you see in nature documentaries. Also, in the fall, the bluefish tend to get the bait before the stripers.